Born and raised in North-eastern Italy, Clelia moved to the U.K. in 2013 to read Philosophy at the University of Cambridge and then Philosophy and the Arts at the University of Warwick. She has worked in producing, marketing and research for a variety of cultural and artistic organisations, including Warwick Arts Centre, BE Festival, danceXchange and Imagineer. In addition to her work with Earthen Lamp, Clelia is also an Assistant Producer at OPUS, a female-led, multidisciplinary arts and events producing house based in Birmingham.
Languages spoken include Italian and French.
A funny joke you recently heard?
At a costume party. “What are you?” “A harp” “Your costume is too small to be a harp!” “Are you calling me a lyre?!”
I’m obsessed with…
Art in all its forms!
In my spare time I…
Read, cook, travel
What three things would you never leave the house without?
My phone, a tote bag, a notebook
What are you currently reading?
Two collections of LRB essays – one on theory and one on clothes
What film/book (s) has influenced you the most?
My parents read me lots of Greek myths when I was a child – it gave me a taste for complex, philosophical texts