Thoughts from Stay Curious conference
Stay Curious was my fourth Arts Marketing Association conference and like in previous years, this year’s conference was an interesting measure of how the discussions and priorities of the arts and heritage sector are changing. Here are seven thoughts from seven different speakers at the conference that stayed with me. Hope this gives you something to ponder –
Non-judgemental curiosity is the root of innovation and creativity
– Russell Willis Taylor, Consultant
You get the trustees you deserve
– Alli Houseworth, Method 121
Is it possible that cinema audiences have a deeper experience than live audiences for the same event?
– Catherine Bunting, Consultant
Heritage organisations need to harness the efforts of their Peacock visitors.
– Richard Evans, Beamish The Living Museum of the North
The collective noun for disabled people is not a “bus-load”.
– Jo Verrent, Unlimited
Pointification is not a game – there is no play.
– Ron Evans, Group of Minds
Without data you are just another person with an opinion.
– W. Edwards Deming via Libby Penn – Spectrix